domingo, 17 de março de 2024

Canto sem pressa - 2016 - Natasha Llerena

1 - A esperança que carrego em mim
Natasha Llerena - Lucas Noleto
2 - Pra Bebel
Natasha Llerena - Lucas Noleto
3 - Giros
Dalus Gonçalves - Viviane Falcão - Eduardo Andrade - Natasha Llerena
4 - Canto sem pressa
Natasha Llerena - Lucas Noleto
5 - Sons do Maranhão
Natasha Llerena - Lucas Noleto
6 - Desenhando
Natasha Llerena - Alberto Americano
7 - Castelo de cartas do Rei
Natasha Llerena - Lucas Noleto
8 - Dança do tempo
Dalus Gonçalves - Lucas Noleto - Marco Aureh - Eduardo Andrade - Natasha Llerena
9 - Recomeçar
Natasha Llerena - Lucas Noleto
10 - Sertão
Natasha Llerena - Lucas Noleto

Natasha Llerena - Eduardo Andrade - Alexandre Berreldi - André Siqueira - Michel Nascimento - Pedro Amparo - Jaques Morelenbaum - Cristina Braga - Edvan Moraes Júnior - Matheus Brill - Jussara Lourenço - Tadeu Mathias - Luiza Salles - Daíra Saboia - Sidão Santos - Claudio Andrade - Pedro Franco - Garnizé - André Mehmari - Ana de Oliveira - Pedro Mibieli - Fernando Thebaldi - Edu Neves
Natural do Rio de Janeiro, Natasha Llerena nasceu em 1991. Cantora, compositora e bailarina, referencia-se na música brasileira, africana, árabe e ibérica, busca uma sonoridade particular em desenvolvimento desde 2014, em parceria com o produtor musical Eduardo Andrade. Esse é o seu primeiro disco, a força desse debut fincou espaço em nossas prateleiras.
O Homem Traça diz: ROAM!


3 comentários:

Trebor disse...


I knew I recognised the album cover but couldn’t place where I had seen it before.

It turns out that I previously gave this album a wide berth but I have a good excuse for my poor sense of judgement.

Just before the pandemic, I discovered a website that listed the 100 best Brazilian albums from every year of the 2010s. Having been out of touch with the modern Brazilian music scene, due to being more preoccupied with unearthing gems from the ‘70s, I saw the website as a perfect way to update my Brazilian music tastes. So, I earnestly commenced evaluating the listed albums… all 1,000 of them!

During those months of intensely listening, one thing I discovered was how many Brazilian female singer-songwriters there are – many of whom fuse Afro-Brazilian rhythms with jazz and pop. The market is so flooded with them that it became difficult to tell many of them apart. I’m afraid that Natasha Llerena slipped through the cracks as a result, dismissing her as just another one of those singers following on from the old guards, such as Marisa Monte.

Having given her another chance, years after the dust had settled on such an exhausting music listening exercise, I have to say that my opinion of her has changed for the better.

So, thanks for posting this one!



Homem Traça disse...

Pois é, Robert, eu também, vez ou outra, percebo-me preso às pérolas do passado e deixo passar os encantos contemporâneos. Penso que hoje temos uma avalanche de novas vozes e compositoras, mas nem tudo me comove. Principalmente por conta de certa pasteurização que a moda produz, além das repetições de fórmulas já consagradas. Nesse sentido, é difícil furar a bolha. Em minha opinião, Natasha conseguiu furar. Mas, estranhamente, até aqui, ficou nesse primeiro e único álbum. Fico curioso com o que pode vir, torço para que ela prossiga a carreira.

Grande abraço!

Trebor disse...

I hear you. “Pasteurised” sounds about right. ;-)

Well, out of the 1,000 albums evaluated, I only ended up liking less than 70 of them. The rest either weren’t of genres that interested me (e.g. rap) or, as you eluded, it was more of a case of style over substance.

As for Natasha, her debut album was crowdfunded and she has since had a baby. According to her social media, she’s still performing live. So, hopefully a second album is in the works.